The advantages of laser engraving compared to traditional methods such as inkjet printing and dot embossing are significant due to several key factors.
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In terms of durability, laser engraving is a timeless marking solution that will not fade or wear away over time, unlike ink-based methods such as inkjet printing, which are subject to environmental factors such as heat, chemicals or wear and tear.
When it comes to precision and accuracy, laser engraving provides high-precision results, allowing the creation of detailed and complex designs that cannot be achieved with physical indentation. With the laser process, small, complicated patterns can be engraved with extreme precision, and we can also create high-quality codes on curved surfaces.
Speed ​​and efficiency are slower than mechanical methods, because physical contact is required for marking, even with laser engraving, this is not required, thereby ensuring greater speed and consistency even during repetitive tasks.
There are no consumables for laser marking, because the laser only works with light, in contrast to inkjet printing, which requires ink cartridges or ribbons. Laser processes reduce ongoing operating costs and maintenance requirements, which makes production more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long term.
Laser engraving works on a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics, ceramics and glass, making it more versatile than many traditional marking methods, which may be limited to certain surfaces or materials.
Laser engraving is a non-contact process, which means there is no risk of physical wear or damage to the engraved material, a major advantage over dots that can cause stress or micro-cracks on the surface of the material.
Overall, laser marking and engraving is a faster, more accurate, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional methods such as inkjet printing and dot cleaning, providing excellent performance in both industrial and consumer applications.